The Rockies Traverse is now LIVE on Red Bull TV! If you’re looking for some pretty thrilling (and at time pretty scary!) inspiration settle in for the full Red Bull Media House film, shot and edited by ReelWaterProductions. Grab it on the big screen, the imagery is stunning. Will Gadd and I were awarded the “National Geographic Adventurers of the Year” for the expedition and it remains the longest connected paragliding expedition that has ever been done. Hope you enjoy!
such a great flight… epic. great storytelling and information. just gets me pumped to fly more and be grateful for living so close to my sb mountains to fly anytime its good. thanks gavin will and redbull for the videoing….
Thanks Chris!
Im really excited about this movie but its not accessible in last 2 weeks, says page doesnt exist…
Hey Rocky, that link is working for me? Are you still having trouble?
Yes it works, watched it a few times now. Such an inspiration, makes me want to go out there…