

In September, 2017 I was honored to lead off the WestVancouver TedX “Imagination” event on Education. This talk includes clips from 13 years spent at sea, flying over Mt Robson in the Canadian Rockies from the film The Rockies Traverse and traversing the Alaska Range from the film North of Known. Click above to watch.


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I was recently contacted by the folks at Fortune Magazine, who asked me to come down to Austin, Texas and speak at their annual “e-Green conference”, which had some of the top executives at the largest companies in the world tackling sustainability and energy and the growing climate crisis. While I’m an admitted tree-hugger and am proud to heat my house with solar thermal, I didn’t think I was qualified enough to speak about some of the world’s most pressing problem. Turns out they just wanted me to break up the conference with some entertainment and give the audience some laughs and inspiration.


My talks invite the audience to view the world and their place in it a little differently. From harrowing stories of sailing around the world, to crossing the Canadian Rockies by paraglider, to crossing the Alps by foot and paraglider in the “world’s toughest adventure race”, or traversing the Alaska Range I aim to entertain and inspire and encourage people- from school kids to corporate execs to pursue their dreams and take that big step that most people never take. The step into the unknown.

Recent Clients

Vancouver International Film Festival
Banff Film Festival
Sun Valley Community School
Zenergy Health Club and Spa