Film Synopsis: “North Of Known”, a Red Bull Media House Film documents professional paragliders and Red Bull X-Alps competitors Gavin McClurg and Dave Turner attempting a full, unsupported traverse of the Alaska Range by foot and paraglider, across North Americas highest mountains. The team faces endless extreme weather, starvation, grizzly bears, uncrossable rivers and countless glaciers in one of the worlds most remote and inhospitable mountain ranges. After 37 days 2015 National Geographic “Adventurer of the Year” Gavin McClurg completes the expedition solo and becomes the first person to traverse the Alaska Range by paraglider, fulfilling a dream he’d been chasing for six years.
I’m taking North of Known on a short film tour starting February 18th. Here are the tour dates and venues and links to the event pages on Facebook, which have the links to buy tickets in advance. I’ll give a little fun backstory to the film before we start (film length is 52 minutes), then a Q and A afterwards. The film premiered at the Banff Mountain Film Festival in November and just recently won “Best Documentary” at FLIC in Montana. I hope you’ll join me, I promise these will be fun evenings and I promise- the film and footage will blow you away! A portion of the proceeds at all of the events will benefit the Foundation for Free Flight. We expect all venues to sell out, so make sure to get tickets in advance.
Vancouver Mountain Film Festival (VIMFF) Saturday, February 18th. This is the final night of the week-long festival and we’ve got the prime slot. Tickets can be purchased here. I’ll be introducing the film and tell a little backstory of how it all went down. Here is the VIMFF trailer, a LOT of these shots are taken from North of Known:
North Bend Theatre (Seattle and Issaquah, WA zone), Sunday, February 19th at 6:30 PM. Tickets are $15 in advance, $18 at the door. Click here to purchase tickets, and here to view the Facebook Event page. Directions to the theatre.
Velo Cult Bike Shop (Portland, OR), Monday February 20th, 6:30 PM. Tickets $15 at the door.
Hollinshead Barn (Bend, OR), Tuesday February 21st, 6:30 PM. Tickets $12 in advance, $15 at the door.
Knight Management Center (Palo Alto, CA), Wednesday February 22nd, 7:00 PM. Tickets $10 at the door. Directions to the theatre on the Stanford Campus.
San Luis Obisbo, CA. Thursday February 23rd, 7:00 PM. Venue TBA.
The Sandbox (Santa Barbara, CA), Friday February 24th, 7:00 PM. Tickets $15 in advance, $18 at the door. Ticket purchase link coming soon. Directions to the Sandbox.
San Diego, CA., Saturday February 25th, 7:00 PM. Venue TBA.
San Bernardino, CA, Sunday February 26th, 7:00 PM. Andy Jackson Airpark. Tickets $15 at the door, after a fun day of flying! See here for event details.