North of Known in Sidetracked Magazine

“…Then, your job is to wake up, eat, stay alive, make progress, don’t die. That’s when the world starts to become clear. I felt a real sense of place in Alaska. There were times when I knew for a fact that no person had ever set foot where I was. I had a real feeling of discovery – not like Christopher Columbus, just an incredible sense of being able to appreciate true wilderness.”


Episode 22- The Alaska Traverse- Ed Ewing interviews Gavin McClurg

Ed Ewing, the editor of Cross Country magazine takes over as show-host and asks Gavin the questions many people have wanted to know about how it all went down on the traverse. We talk about the Red Bull X-Alps, how Gavin’s obsession with paragliding started and find out what led to his 6-year pursuit of a dream- to traverse the full length of the Alaska Range by paraglider and foot. We find out what went right, what went wrong, what gear was used, what happened after Dave had to leave, and hear some pretty wild stories of what went down.


The things we carried

Will Gadd and I just completed what we believe to be the longest connected track log that has ever been flown. About 650 kilometers across the Canadian Rockies to the US border. One rule: all forward progress was made in the air. Most of the line had never been flown. All up it took us 35 days to complete, with two long bouts of bad weather that shut us down completely for more than a week at a time. A great deal of media will be out shortly documenting the journey, that is not what this essay is all about. I’m still too frazzled, thrilled, shocked, and exhausted to put into words what the expedition meant. I haven’t even begun to look back and process the risks, the rewards, and ultimately what comes down to a lesson in humility.


Business Insider- This Photographer Brought Her Camera Paragliding, and the Images are Incredible

The Business Insider just posted a huge feature on Jody’s MacDonald’s paragliding photography, shots taken in Mozambique, Namibia, Madagascar, Maldives, Tonga, Himalayas, Scotland, Europe, Sierra Mountains of California and a LOT more. Check it out! A stunning trip around the world from a birds-eye view (click the photo to see the feature)


Jody MacDonald gets 3 NIVIUK Shots into Red Bull ILLUME!

HUGE congratulations to Jody MacDonald ( for making the TOP 50 in the prestigious Red Bull Illume Photography contest  with this photo and 2 others in the top 250 (all go in the amazing Red Bull Illume book).  This is pretty much the Olympics of sport photography and we at the Cloudbase Collective are very proud of our girl!  Go here to order the Red Bull Illume book.


The Dune Discovery